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Von: Rechtsanwalt Roman Kost, MLaw, CAS Informationssicherheit, selbstständiger Rechtsanwalt,
Im militärischen Bereich umfasst OPSEC Handlungsweisen, die den Erfolg der Operation sicherstellen sollen, in dem der Informationsfluss über die militärische Operation kontrolliert wird.
Entstehung des Begriffs von OPSEC im Militär
OPSEC geht aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach auf das amerikanische Militär zurück. Heute wird der Begriff weltweit in vielen militärischen Einheiten benutzt.
In der Army Regulateion 530_1 definieren die USA OPSEC wie folgt:
a. Operations security.
Army Regulation 530_1, 1–5. Definitions, Publiziert vom US Army Publishing Directorate
(1) As defined in Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 5205.02E, OPSEC is a process of identifying critical information and analyzing friendly actions attendant to military operations and other activities to —
(a) Identify those actions that can be observed by adversary intelligence systems.
(b) Determine indicators and vulnerabilities that adversary intelligence systems might obtain to be able to interpret or piece together to derive critical information in time to use against U.S. and/or friendly missions and poses an unacceptable risk.
© Select and execute measures that eliminate the risk to friendly actions and operations or reduce to an acceptable level.
Die NATO definiert OPSEC folgendermassen:
Operations Security. Operations Security (OPSEC) is the process which gives a military operation appropriate security, using passive or active means, to deny an adversary knowledge of the dispositions, capabilities or intentions of friendly forces. In particular, OPSEC is used to identify and protect information that is critical to the success of the campaign, described as Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFI). It aims to deny EEFI to the adversary decision-maker, thereby affecting understanding. EEFI will need to be protected throughout their lifecycle and throughout the range of military operations. Adversarial will, understanding and capability will be targeted to maintain the security of EEFI, using a combination of passive and active techniques.
NATO Allied Joint Publication AJP‑3.10, 0123
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